Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gasa Gasa Girl Goes to Camp

For the Adventure Arts and Culture class the students at Logan River Academy recently went to a guest lecture by LilyYuriko Nakai Havey at the Nora Eccles Harrison Art Museum located on the campus of Utah State University. Lily is a Japanese American that spent four years of her youth in a Japanese Internmentcamp during WWII. As a result of this experience, Lily suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). When Lily identified that she was suffering from PTSD she started painting watercolors as a way to cope with the disorder. At this guest lecture Lily discussed some of her experiences in the camp and showed her different artworks and their meanings. The lecture was titled, “Gasa Gasa Girl Goes to Camp”, after the memoir that Lily has written.  The students found it insightful and it opened their eyes to a way of overcoming trials in life.